Master SaaS Explainer Video Storytelling for Your Products

June 25, 2024

SaaS Explainer Video Storytelling

Let’s talk about super massive blackholes in galaxies far, far away. 

Because there’s a lesson here for your B2B SaaS marketing efforts. 

Scientists have found that super massive blackholes grow in 2 ways — consuming cold gas from host galaxies or merging with other black holes. 

Now, look at this from your lens. 

In a crowded market where every SaaS product claims to be the best, how do you ensure your message stands out? 

Traditional product marketing often fails to capture the audience’s attention. Dry statistics and feature lists simply don’t cut it anymore.

But, what if you could consume the right information and merge with the market sentiment, surely your brand would grow? 

What is Video Storytelling?

Video storytelling is about weaving your product’s narrative into a visual and emotional experience. 

We at Pangolin call it creating a “Blockbuster Moment”. This is the moment your brand turns into a supermassive black hole, attracting audiences with its strong pull generated by the video. 

Before we tell you how we do this, let’s understand a few things first.

So, why is video storytelling so powerful for marketing SaaS products? 

  • Simplifies Complexity: SaaS products often have intricate features. Video storytelling breaks these down into digestible, engaging content.

  • Emotional Engagement: Stories evoke emotions. By connecting emotionally, your audience is more likely to remember and engage with your product.

  • Visual Appeal: Our brains process visuals faster than text. An impactful video can convey your message quickly and memorably.

  • Shareability: Compelling corporate promotional videos are more likely to be shared, expanding your reach organically.

Traditional Product Marketing vs. Video Storytelling

Traditional Product MarketingVideo Storytelling
Struggle to keep viewers engaged.Captivates with dynamic visuals and a compelling narrative.
Text-heavy content is easily forgotten.People remember stories long after they’ve seen them.
Focuses on features, which can be overwhelming.Highlights benefits through relatable stories, making it easier for viewers to convert.

Evidence of Impact

Case Study: Slack

When Slack launched, it used a video to explain how the tool could transform workplace communication. The video told a story of a chaotic office transforming into a well-organized team. This approach helped Slack achieve explosive growth, turning it into a household name in workplace communication tools.

Frameworks for Implementing Video Storytelling for SaaS Products

Hero’s Journey Framework

In this framework, your SaaS product is the hero, guiding customers through their challenges to a triumphant solution.

  • Start with a Challenge: Identify the common pain points your target audience faces. This sets the stage for the story.
  • Introduce the Hero (Your Product): Present your product as the solution. Highlight its unique features and benefits.
  • Journey and Transformation: Show how your product helps users overcome their challenges. Use real-world examples or case studies to illustrate this journey.
  • Triumphant Ending: Conclude with the success your users experience after adopting your product. 

Character-Driven Framework

In the Character-Driven Framework, the focus is on developing relatable characters that personify your target audience. 

  • Create Relatable Characters: Develop personas that have identifiable traits and face relatable challenges, like your users.
  • Narrate Their Journey: Show the initial struggles, the discovery of your product, and the subsequent positive outcomes.
  • Engagement through Relatability: By seeing themselves in these characters, your audience forms a personal connection with your product, increasing their engagement and interest.

Emotional Storytelling Framework

The Emotional Storytelling Framework leverages this by crafting narratives that evoke specific emotions, creating lasting impressions.

  • Identify Desired Emotions: Decide what emotions you want to evoke—excitement, relief, inspiration.
  • Craft Emotional Scenarios: Develop scenarios that naturally evoke the desired emotions. This could be a story of overcoming adversity, achieving a breakthrough, or experiencing a significant improvement.
  • Visual and Audio Elements: Use visual cues and background music to enhance the emotional impact of your story. 

SAAS Explainer Video Implementation Tips

Implementing Video Storytelling for SaaS Products

Customer Journey Narratives

Take your audience through the typical customer journey, highlighting how your product fits into each stage. Show the initial problem, the discovery of your SaaS solution, and the ultimate success.

  • Example: Create a company corporate video following a user from their initial struggle with a problem to discovering your product, implementing it, and achieving their goals..

Real-World Use Cases

Showcase real-world applications of your product. This makes your SaaS offering tangible and relatable.

  • Example: Feature case studies where real customers explain how your product solved their specific challenges.

Digital Storytelling Techniques

Use a blend of digital storytelling techniques to enhance engagement.

  • Animations: Simplify complex concepts through animations. Visual metaphors can make abstract ideas more concrete.
  • Live-Action Videos: Humanize your brand with live-action videos featuring your team or satisfied customers.
  • Interactive Videos: Engage viewers with interactive elements, such as clickable links or choices that influence the video’s outcome.

To know more about how digital storytelling techniques work, reach out to us at Pangolin Marketing. Our expertise in video creation, optimization, distribution, and tracking ensures we have all the solutions. 

You can also download our free guide on explainer videos.

Role of Technology in Video Storytelling

What Tools Should You Use?Why? 
Video Creation ToolsAdobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and AnimotoPolished and engaging content that captures attention.
Professional-quality videos.
Hosting and DistributionYouTube, Vimeo, and WistiaDistribute your content to a broader audience. 
Get analytics to track performance and engagement.

Measuring the Success of Video Storytelling for SaaS Products

Brand Awareness

Measure how well your video content is increasing your brand’s visibility by looking at metrics like video views, shares, and mentions across social media platforms. High brand awareness means your videos are reaching and resonating with a broad audience.

Engagement Rates

Engagement metrics show how actively viewers interact with your content. Track likes, comments, shares, and the average watch time of your videos. High engagement rates indicate that your content is compelling and holds viewers’ attention.

Conversion Rates

This KPI measures how effectively your videos drive desired actions, such as signing up for a trial, downloading a whitepaper, or making a purchase. Track the conversion rate from video views to these specific actions.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

CLTV assesses the long-term value of a customer acquired through your video marketing efforts. By analyzing this metric, you can understand the profitability of your video storytelling strategy over time.

Tools and Methodologies for Analysis of Your Video Marketing Efforts

Tools and MethodologiesWhy You Need Them?
Video Marketing PlatformsWistia, Vidyard, and VimeoRobust analytics that help you track KPIs such as views, engagement, and conversion rates.
These platforms offer detailed insights into how your videos are performing and who is watching them.
A/B TestingWistia and VidyardCompare different video elements, such as length, calls to action, and visuals.
Refining your content for maximum impact.
Customer FeedbackSurveys, comments, and direct interactionsOpinions on what viewers liked, what they didn’t, and what they want to see more of.
This qualitative data can guide future video content.
Integrated Marketing Tools HubSpot or MarketoTrack video performance in the context of your entire marketing strategy.
Providing a holistic view of your campaign’s effectiveness.

But the easiest way to track your performance and enhance your video marketing efforts is to connect with Pangolin. 


Because we don’t just track efforts, we also help create explainer videos for you. Since this will be a collaborative effort to transform your marketing strategy, who better than us to know what works and what doesn’t? 

Your Next Steps

Contact us today to set your SaaS product apart from the competition.

You can also download our free guide on explainer videos.


Q. How do you choose the right story for your product?

Choose a narrative that aligns with your target audience’s pain points and aspirations. Focus on how your product solves specific problems and transforms user experiences. Use customer feedback and market research to guide your story selection.

Q. What are the key components of a compelling video story?

A compelling video story includes a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should have relatable characters, a conflict or problem, a resolution provided by your product, and an emotional hook to engage viewers. Visuals, music, and a strong call to action enhance the narrative.

Q. How do you integrate storytelling with product information and features?

Start with the story to capture interest, then seamlessly weave in product information. Highlight features through the narrative by showing how they solve specific problems or enhance user experiences. Keep the focus on benefits rather than technical details.

Q. How do you ensure the story resonates with your target audience?

Understand your audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. Use personas to create relatable characters and scenarios. Test your story with a sample of your audience and gather feedback to refine it. Authenticity and relevance are key to resonance.

Q. How do you measure the success of video storytelling efforts?

Track KPIs such as brand awareness (video views and shares), engagement rates (likes, comments, watch time), conversion rates (sign-ups, purchases), and customer lifetime value (CLTV). Also, use video marketing platforms and analytics tools to gather and analyze data, while conducting A/B testing to optimize content.